In my mind in my head tell me why this has to end
In my mind in my head tell me why this has to end

in my mind in my head tell me why this has to end in my mind in my head tell me why this has to end

I realised just how powerful my thoughts were. It wasn’t until I ventured outside of my head and spoke to someone about it, actually opened up and sought another opinion, that I realised what I had been doing to myself for so many years. I would actually end up jeopardising my relationships because I didn’t want them to leave me – so I left them first. Sounds silly right? But somehow my mind made it real. Many years ago I convinced myself at a young age that because my Dad left my Mum that meant that any partner I would ever have would end up leaving me… Seriously… Sometimes you don’t realise just how much you are living inside your head. And the danger is, sometimes you can start to honestly believe what you are thinking is true. When you live inside your head too much, you start to believe your own bullsh*t. That voice can be great at times, it can even be a life saver! It tells you that you’re being too ridiculous, or dramatic, or picky, or too sensitive, or not sensitive enough… the voice that has an opinion on absolutely everything? You can probably actually hear it right now if you stop and listen for a second… You know the one – that little narrator that talks to you all day long? How often do you listen to that little voice inside your head?

In my mind in my head tell me why this has to end